A student volunteer with the Student Voting Coalition sits at a table outside of 克拉克家庭图书馆 with 选民登记 materials.

W&我的学生 earn voter turnout grant, selected as 校园 Vote Democracy Fellows

Created: November 5, 2020  |  Last Updated: 9月tember 20, 2021  |  Category:   |标签: , , ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(11月. 5, 2020)—The 2020 presidential election is just one of the stories that’s dominated the news cycle this year and W&学生们已经注意到了它的重要性. But it’s not a candidate they’re focused on; it’s the importance of voting itself – and they decided to do something about it.

Members of the Student Voting Coalition have spent much of the fall semester organizing non-partisan events to encourage their peers to get registered and get out to vote. 10月,该组织举办了一场会议 学生选民论坛 featuring student speakers from across the political spectrum talking about the issues facing college students today.

In their push for voter awareness, the organization  teamed up with national organization 校园投票计划, securing a $1,000 grant to fund voter turnout and education initiatives on campus.

“I got connected with the 校园投票计划 when I attended the PA Student Voting Summit that was put on at the University of Pittsburgh this past February. At this summit, they were reaching out for students to apply as a Democracy Fellow. 在那之后,今年夏天,澳门葡京博彩软件开始开发W&J学生投票联盟变成了今天的样子&学生投票联盟主席尼古拉斯·巴特尔说. 在今年秋天的PA学生投票峰会上, the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition was offering national level grants for colleges to apply to. After filling out the application which consisted of several boilerplate questions such as, “你们小组打算用这笔资金做什么??’ and basic questions about the campus, we heard back that we were awarded the $1,000 grant.”

The funds allowed the Student Voting Coalition to start several voting initiatives on campus designed to get out the vote. They plan to continue their outreach to promote voter education and encourage 选民登记 and turnout for the 2021 primaries.

除了拨款外,还有四个W&我的学生 were named 校园 Vote Democracy Fellows for the state of Pennsylvania. 在他们的角色中, 学生有各种各样的责任, including promoting voter education on social media and organizing on-campus events to help students better understand their right to vote. The students even built a website with pertinent voting information for W&我的学生. 在下面了解澳门葡京博彩软件的民主研究员!


Nickolas Bartel

校园活动: President of the Student Voting Coalition and the Community Service Chair for Alpha Phi Omega
尼克说:“President Lincoln wrote that we were a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We do not have a system today that is by the people nor for the people as it suppresses the right to vote instead of lifting up our voices. 一些州, 比如在怀俄明州, you need a notary to sign in order to just send in an application by mail to be registered. This unnecessary difficulty has led to voter apathy right here at W&J. 2018年中期选举, a report from Tufts University reported that about 2 of every 3 eligible students chose not to vote. That is over 1,000 students who decided somewhere along the way it was no longer worth it. 它太复杂了. 他们的声音并不重要. I want to work to empower students to be make it simple and easy to be well-informed voter.” 



校园活动: 联系导师, 中文PAL导师, 学生入学指导, 欧米茄希腊荣誉协会会长, Vice President of Operations of the Pi Beta Phi women’s fraternity, 杰伯斯无伴奏合唱团副主席, 学生剧团的历史学家, 学生会社团高级代表, committee member for SGA’s COVID-19 Student Advisory Committee and Entertainment Committee, 也是华盛顿研究员的成员, 圆顶海百合亚纲歌手, 全国领导与成功学会, Alpha Mu Gamma外语荣誉协会, 阿尔法·普赛·欧米茄戏剧荣誉协会, 国际社会科学荣誉协会, 大学的民主党人, 及学生投票联盟.
朱莉说: “作为一名LINK导师, I understood that I had an obligation to give not only my first-year students, 但是所有的一年级学生, the resources they needed to understand the processes of registering to vote, 申请缺席选票, 申请邮寄选票, 等. I have spent a lot of time one-on-one talking with and helping these first-time voters. Promoting the right to vote is important to me because I know how many Americans, 尤其是女性和有色人种, 他们一生都在为争取选举权而奋斗. I know that it is a privilege that I am able to participate in our democracy and vote in elections. I want to share my passion for voting with others and help people understand that their vote really does matter.”



国际研究、西班牙语和音乐 & 冲突解决专业
校园活动: 女子长曲棍球队队长, SAAC的成员, 马修·布朗研究员, 华盛顿研究员的成员, 偶尔也是爵士乐队的歌手
克拉拉说: “As a Democracy Fellow we are supposed to promote (in a non-partisan fashion) voter education and student participation in elections. Promoting the right to vote is important to me because I know that student issues won’t be addressed by our representatives without student votes.”


Graycen Vitale

校园活动: 招生办公室的学生大使, 民主校园投票计划, 联谊会生活-卡帕卡玛, 户外Club, 纽曼Club, 在校园里养一只服务犬
格雷森说:“促进大学生参与投票过程, 我专门组织了一个联谊会投票比赛, 获胜者将在本周末公布! Promoting voting is important to me as a college student because I want young adults who are still in school, 需要倾听的声音.”


对华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件
华盛顿 & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿.是一所建于1781年的文理学院. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. 欲了解更多关于W&J、访问a0l3.szlirui168.com,或致电888 - w -和-杰.